Monday, January 11, 2010

Little Pink Houses

My "stranded" day turned out to be much better than I had anticipated. My daughter had gone off to a play date with a friend so it was just me and Luke. My plan was to stay at home and do laundry, instead Luke and I decided to walk up to one of the local strip malls, not on the freeway, of course. As we were walking we had great conversation, about school, movies and some random comments like: Mom, would you want to live in a pink house? Of course, I looked around to see which pink house he was speaking of, but there was no pink house. So I asked where that question came from. He answered, Just wondering. Interesting what goes on in the brain of a 10 year old. With that thought in mind I asked Luke what he thought about me loosing my license. It gives us a good opportunity to get some exercise. Was his first answer. I was suprised at this to say the least. My mind goes to the negative first, and his mind went to the positive. He continued on by saying that he thinks we should do this all the time, even when I can drive again. If it is not too far, that is.
That makes me wonder...Is negativity a learned trait, or are we born with it?


  1. I like this! Your son is lucky for extra time with an honest mom! I have lots of thoughts on negativity and lots of experience but this year my resolution is to flip it, every single time! Flip the script on my negative thinking, get grateful, get observant about what is good and is working! Thanks for sharing, I like being on this journey with you! My kids dad lost his licence permanently from DUI's! (I'm divorced) but he never admits it to the kids or talks to them about it and hence the children feel a lot of shame for and about him! It is so great that you are not letting yourself hide this! I am excited for you! and proud of you!

  2. I love reading your blog. You are a very good writer and I think a very good person that made a bad choice. The days you don't write are not as good as the others. I got the tip from your sister.

    ///Pontus, Edina
